



Game Development

VR, Unity, Leap Motion


Magikku is a virtual reality game in which the player takes on the role of a protector of an ancient temple under attack by Evil Dragons. The player must defend the temple by making magical hand gestures to cast a spell and defeat the Dragons.


For this project, I used VIVE VR headset and Leap Motion.


The VR hand controllers introduced a new set of barrier in user engagement because they had to learn the controls before thet could play the game. I wanted the users to be able to use their hand gestures without any controllers or wires attached to their hands.


  • Many point of actionable areas
  • Learn which sensors performs what action before playing the game


  • Leap Motion is attached to the headset to detect hand gestures.
  • Use natural hand gestures that corresponds to the VR object


  • The controls were easy to understand for all ages.
  • The hand gestures were easy to implement.


Overall, the users were able to complete the task with the given set of rules. However, it was interesting to see them trying to use different hand gestures than the actionable ones. It made me realise that we should always account for all the different actions that the users might perfrom even though those are not defined in the system.